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10/10 i played it all, from now on i will never trust someone who call me "Dear one"


Also the witch is a banger, my compliments devs my compliments.

(3 edits)

(Do not read if you have not played ALL the routes)

Exploring the videogame-player relationship and breaking the expectations of what a video game can do in the same way that Doki Doki Literature Club did. If this whole thing about loops and subverting the player's expectations wasn't after like 3 hours of Text, I'm pretty sure this game would be another Doki Doki. I'm not much into visual novels, in fact, I don't like them at all and they bore me very much so it took me quite a while to read everything but I was intrigued enough to be able to get into this gem. My congratulations, literally pushing the barriers of the video game, you have all my respects ebi-hime now I will never make deals with witches again.

Sorry, but is there an auto-play text function in the game? I couldn't find it 😔 I have carpal tunnel syndrome, so it's hard for me to press the button to switch text. I really like the art style and the plot of the game, it looks amazing! Sorry for bothering you, I'll be very happy to answer. (And sorry for the mistakes, I'm bad at English)

oh i already found the answer to my question


If I'm not mistaken one of the music sources is the theme for Castle In The Sky? 

The music was all composed originally for this game. No pre-existing tracks were used or remixed.



I was crazy once.

they locked me in a room

a rubber room




Ainda não joguei mas só por que tem "yandere" e "canibalismo" eu já sei que vai ser perfeito.

Dois tópicos que amo no mesmo jogo? NOSSA QUE DEMAIS!!!!

(1 edit)

but in all honesty the writing is so damn beautiful every single inch of this game was made with love and.. cannibalism 

if i told you I thought this was a soft hearted yuri game because i just put the lesbian tag and downloaded this without reading the desc then that would be true

out of all the characters in the game the gravedigger lady was the one that rang my bell yes of course they were all not trustworthy but the two characters relating to eachother and THE DAMN HUG SCENE??? RUINED ME

though at the end of the game i wondered what happened to the girl on why she was being chased


do a second playthrough!! u will see why shes running. also u can go do a third playthrough but itll make you lose all your data :D

Jaw dropping experience oh my god??? 

(1 edit) (+1)





Amazing story and artwork!! I even shed a tear or two

i am balling my eyes out.. to everyone who played the 3 routes. make sure to look at the gallery and that huge text!!! super important


Simply perfect!!

Such a fantastic VN!Loved every character I met, even if they never felt the same way about me ;c

Amazing stories and artwork! Ther gravedigger is my favorite, both her character design and ending<3 You`re amazing that can make these stories:) Thank you








Um ótimo jogo, com bons finais e uma boa musica e arte.

(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

^spoilers (kinda)^

genuinely only made an account to comment on this, i dont know what to say. this was genuinely one of the best things i've played/read/whatever. i enjoyed the development of each character, so much im pretty sure i shed a tear once or twice. the music was incredible and the ending (give up) was also incredible, and something i dont think i expected. a work of art truly, i also remember trusting the gravedigger so blindly 😭. seeing how all of the characters develop with their own stories and stuff was really interesting, and to see how your fate ended up as it was, different each time was amazing. 


The betrayal I felt from this game  was deep, and the anticipation of death I knew was coming but I was still hoping it wouldn't in the third road choice because I was falling in love with that character was intense. Also the vibes are awsome doomed yuri.


Can I ask for a Turkish translation? Please!!!!! :,C


If somebody volunteers to translate the game into Turkish then I will add the translation, but I'm not going to actively look for people to translate the game myself.

(1 edit) (+1)

Love this game, i finally stumble upon a yuri yandere. I got the concept of the game without reading the notes & i have to admit, every detail of the dialogue are giving life form of the game besides the art & design. The music was also incredible, i love listening to the mermaid's singing.

(spoilers ahead.)

I understand how the main character: Rosette felt so lonely because of her terrible past that she decided to form some type of occult and brought the witch to life. That's where she realises there is no friendship between them and wanted to go back how the way her life was.
Between the 3 girls the witch has given us, i started off with the mermaid and she was the sweetest(+ prettiest) i intentionally just forget that she can read our minds from the beginning. The only thing i'm worried about is how can our corpse survive underwater..
when it came to the gravedigger at first i wonder, why isn't she not infected by the plague? Weird right, everyone died except for her. Nonetheless she is sweet at first, its just stupid that she buries us because that's her job as a gravedigger. It's like were not enough for her that she just buried us, aren't you lonely?
The princess is so cute! I knew immediately that she was the reason behind the missing lady's maids & etc.

"Drowned, buried & consumed by my love." - Witch


Love how every time I was like awww they are so cute together something bad happened. Very cool. 10/10 game. Women are awesome! :3


The emotions of knowing something bad WILL happen but not exactly how (except for mermaid that one was obvious) after you get the first end of a road once while you fall in love with the character .


RIGHT?! So good! I love it!


My phone won't let me install it:( I'm sure it's a great game tho! :D

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