Episode Two has been released!

Hello everyone! I'm just writing a small devlog to let you know that the second episode of Unluckily in Love: Fragments of Love has been released! This episode sees Yuel and Tavi going on a date to the British Museum, after getting into a Very Serious Debate about the world's most important topic: gacha game waifus.

This episode is about 55k, which brings the total wordcount of this VN up to 103k! Wow, it's getting so long already, and we're only on 2/10 planned episodes... 😭 
I'm convinced it'll be over 500k by the time I'm finished haha, this project is going to be Very Long when all is said and done...
But I'm a glutton for punishment so it's fine haha

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the newest episode! If you want to check it out, you just need to download the newest build and launch it. You can delete the old game if you still have it on your laptop/PC; deleting it won't impact your old saves or your persistent data.
Episodes one and two should both be unlocked by default when you open the game, so you just need to select whichever episode you want to read first.

OK, I think that should be everything. As always, let me know what you think, and let me know if you have any questions! I hope you enjoy it!

- ebi x


UiLFragmentsofLove-1.0-market.zip 541 MB
52 days ago

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