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Havent read it yet but i can relate with loving toxic traits in stories but being scared of them irl


Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3

(1 edit) (+1)

Just wanna say I love your writing so much! It's hilarious, relatable and easy to read (which is important to me as I do have trouble concentrating)





hahaha that was really cute :3 i loved it!!

Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3


Damnit, this is the first bl vn ever and now I want more >:(

But, I fr loved this, the characters are so well written and i swear I want a cute fluffy manhwa about what happens after. Also, the art looks so scrumptious and i wanna just devour it. I am so happy I found this and played it. Also, I kinda wanna know what the mls of Possesive Boyfriends look like, I'm too curious now.


Bit of a belated reply, but thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed the characters! I had a lot of fun writing their banter too hehe >w<
The artists all did a great job, I think both the leads turned out very nice!


one of my first bl vns (in terms of playing) and this was exactly the type of dynamic that im looking for?!!! the title definitely had me thinking it was going to be a psychological bl at some point but it was fine that it didnt.. anyway its only been days since ive finished this but i cant move onn 😭😭


Ah that's very sweet, thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed it!
And yeah the title is a bit misleading haha, it's very much a silly and goofy story where nothing bad happens!


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gah this was so cute and funny, I fell in love with this duo! Wish there was more ;-;

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! 🙏


this was actually the second best yaoi game I've ever played, 1st being Vampliar. but still, AMAZING, I hope you can make more

Kokichi agrees :] 

Aw, thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3
I've written a few other free BL VNs if you poke around on my Itchio account!



Deleted 116 days ago

Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I don't have any plans to write more about these characters at the moment, but you never know: it might happen...

La historia es muy bueno, y me a encantado, y me haria ilucion  una secuela. Me gustaría sugerír una traducción al español . 

Adorable! I really enjoyed reading this

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

bhegchchshdhagdv how do i rate this five stars I have never related more to a character in my life!! I'm in love with this duo and I wanna see what happens when they get to Kazuya's, or when he finally decudes to surprise Hibiki with Shin's lines...


aaa thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!
Well, now I'm wondering how Hibiki would react if Kazuya did use Shin's lines on him myself haha... 💦

I just finished this and oml I was screaming, it was so good!! 👏👏


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3

theyre both so cute!! that ending was <3

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3


its ok if its a hot person that lock you up but if its the person that is not your type yeah that gotta be wrong


Yes it's the wrongest thing

(1 edit)


I don't have any plans to write more with these particular characters at the moment, but I have written a few other BL VNs you could check out!


I just finished this, and it is incredible!!! The story is super engaging and the characters are perfect. I really wish there was MORE. I'll be over here praying for a sequel.


Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it I had a lot of fun writing the dialogue hehe ;w;
I don't have any plans for a sequel at the moment, but it's not impossible. Maybe it will happen!


I love how realistic and relatable they are! It made the entire experience so much more swoon worthy. I can honestly say that this is one of my favorite visual novels. The earnestness and anticipation can be felt from every line, simple and yet so delightfully touching! I'm definitely looking forward to more of your work!

Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed reading about my silly children hehe >w<
I had a lot of fun writing their dialogue! It's one of my favourite things to write!
I've written a bunch of other stuff (some free, some commercial), so hopefully you find more that you like!

*very* casually hiding here while i d word from second hand embarrassment but i believe that it will get better!!1!111 OKAY THAT WASN'T THAT BAD ,, hibiki i feel u (we all do).  can we talk about how FINEEEEE hyuga is OML that kiss scene . i am not ok they are so adorable and their banter OMLLL . 111111111/10 i love this so much!!!

aaa thank you very much! ;a;
I'm glad you enjoyed reading about my boys, even if the events did give you second hand embarrassment haha ;;
I think they're very cute too! Writing their dialogue was a lot of fun!


WTF DID I READ THAT RIGHT???? nah and I am more amazed that there IS people who like this shit... smh grow up people


I'm very sorry that you finally discovered that the world is full of people with tastes that differ from your own. This must be really difficult for you, but I'm sure you'll get through it! You can do it!

I put off playing this when i first saw it, but man do i regret not playing it sooner. This was funny, light, and fluffy. 100% a good playthrough on a bad day. The conversations are natural (as natural as an awkward train meet-cute can be) and have great flow. 10/10 would recommend.

Aaah thank you very much ;w;
I'm glad you enjoyed reading about my useless blorbos haha, it's appreciated!


i am OBSESSED  i want to see more of these dumbasses


Thank you! I'm glad you liked them! <3


ngl when i saw the cover i thought it was an omori fangame




after playing the game for a full 10 minutes i can confirm that it is in fact extremely gay and most definitely not straight yes your first thought about this game was correct it is extremely gay it is very not straight it is in fact possibly the gayest game i have ever played.

Obligatory "say both 'ciao' and 'alas' (embarrassingly often)!!"

But that aside, this was really fun!  The characters are delightful and I love their designs, their dynamic is quite well-done, and Hibiki's narration can be incredibly relatable, as well as incredibly funny.

I received quite a few comments from people saying that lmao
I didn't realise they were such commonly used words hahaha ;;;

And thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

That was ADORABLE! Beautiful art style and story, very relatable main character.

Thank you! <3


Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Funny story, cute characters, hilarious premise. The scenes where the character discussed yandere drama CDs were priceless ^^


My only complaint is that this wasn't longer lol. I enjoyed it so, so much! The story is absolutely beautiful and I'm so sad I've got to part with the characters so early. I wanna know more about them and how their story will progress TwT

The interactions are so sweet and funny. Both Hibiki and Hyuga are just adorable and charming.  

Even though it's a short game, it easily entered my list of favorites. Thank you so much for sharing this VN with us! 

Aaah thank you very much! I'm glad that you enjoyed it! 

The VN was made for a game jam, so I kept the scope pretty small on purpose so I could finish it on time haha ;;
It's nice to know that the character dynamics were fun enough that it left you wanting more, though!
I'd rather people come away from my stories thinking "I'm sad that's over" than "thank God that's over" hahaha ;;;

I have written a longer BL VN, Unluckily in Love, but it's commercial. You can check it out on Steam here or here if you're curious!

This game was my first kinetic novel and was fun to play. The music when you open the game was amazing and I listen to it sometimes without playing through the story. Did you create the music or get it from somewhere? what's it called?

I had an absolute BLAST playing through this! It's a simple plot, but it's plenty enough to move things along at a nice pace for the cast to shine - and boy do they ever. I really enjoyed how the relationship develops at a pace that feels organic rather than forced, and the way that they went from hilariously snarking at each other to gradually developing feelings (...and still snarking at each other...) just felt like a really natural and sweet progression.

The art's lovely, the back-and-forth between the characters had me genuinely laughing out loud at times, and the ending was genuinely satisfying <3 I'll be saving this one to go through again!

This was my first kinetic vn and I really enjoyed it!

Is this getting a Mac release? :o

I did build the game with mac support, but I don't want to list it as being compatible with macs because a) mac support is a huge pain and b) I don't have a mac myself, so I can't test if it actually works.

You're free to download it and see if you can launch the .app file on your mac, but I can't guarantee it'll run.

I finally played this game and it's so cute in my opinion! However, my favourite part, which is probably not the same as every other person here, is when Hibiki  says, and I quote, "No way" and Hyuga returns that speech with "Yes way."

I have to remember that these guys are between the age of 24 and 30 something and stop myself from laughing as I imagine that in real life.

In all honesty, though I absolutely love the art style and the story. It's beautifully done and I love the way it ends, well done on a fantastic game <3

Thank you very much for reading it, and for taking the time to write such a nice comment! I'm glad you liked it! <3


...i say ciao and alas...

Hahaha, one of my friends read this VN and she responded in exactly the same way to that remark ;;;

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